But, like anything that is exposed to harsh chemicals and wide variations of environmental conditions, a pool cover needs regular maintenance and periodically, may need to be replaced.
We are often asked what to look for in a pool cover to know if it is time to have it replaced. When inspecting your cover, it is important to look for the following:

Look for wear and tear.
Pool chemicals, temperature variations and ultra violet light can break down the pool cover fabric over time. Look for cracks, peeling and week spots on the cover where water may be seeping through the surface.

Feel the cover fabric.
Pool cover fabric should be pliable and supple. When a cover becomes too stiff and brittle, there's a good chance the fabric may need to be repaired or replaced.

Inspect sewn webbing stitching.
Traditional sewn webbing is a likely source of cover problems. On standard pool covers, sewn threads can become frayed, cut or disintegrate over time, leading to cover failure. A cover with sewn webbing is only as safe as the stitching that holds it together. Coverstar is the only automatic cover manufacturer that produces covers with Heat Sealed Webbing, thus eliminating the stitching.
Watch for sewn webbing bunching.
Covers with sewn webbing can bunch up around the rope, which may cause the fabric to catch and tear as it passes through the cover guide feeds.
For more information on Coverstar Automatic Safety Covers, go to
This summer took way to long to get here. We are installing a pool in our backyard. What kind of pool cover would you recommend? Safety is our biggest concern with the cover. http://www.ozwestonlinepoolshop.com.au/pool-covers--rollers